Band Bios from the original Vlad The Inhaler Beginnings website

The EnforcerThe BeholderThe Whip

Vlad The Toker & Vlad The Watcher Band Bios originally from the now offline Vlad’s Mystical Minstrels Website, then later added to the Vlad The Inhaler Beginnings website after Vlad’s Mystical Minstrels and Pseudo Vlad united back into Vlad The Inhaler. (So actually this Vlad website revamp combines 3 websites! LOL!). The two profiles are best read after reading Chapter III: Vlad’s Mystical Minstrels.

Vlad The Wall Bio from the last version of The Beginnings site is best read after Chapter V: The Implosion


Vlad The Toker

The young Toker was only a fledgling when he originally left The Mystical Minstrels. Upon his return to Vlads army’s it was quickly realized that during his absence he had been honing his powers. Drawing from the power of the toke, The Toker is of great use to The Inhaler. Though originally called back for The Inhaler, The Impaler knew upon The Tokers return that with the Tokers increased power, he must be in his ranks as well.

Musical History

When the one who would come to be known as The Toker first realized that his calling was music, he searched the land for someone to show him the way. After a long time, and many a reputable guide, The Toker chose the only logical choice. Although not knowing who this man was, he trusted his judgement and talents.

The Toker started to play the drums, like the unknown man. After his journey was over, and The Toker was comfortable with the drums, he decided it was time to get a band going. He took along with him two friends. They were good, but not even close to the early talent shown by The Toker. After a few pathetic years, and even more pathetic talent, The Toker decided to leave the drums behind, to broaden his horizons.

It was then that The Toker picked up the guitar, by watching his brother and father play together. He tried again to start a band, but alas it was too early in his career to play like Kirk Hammett. But The Toker refused to give up. He kept playing hours upon hours of practice in the dungeon of his small but elaborate castle. Finally he found two men of equal age, and equal if not better talent. They called this new band Emerge!

But The Toker knew there was still something missing. Something from another place was calling him.

It was then that The Tokers brother had asked him to come and play with his band. When The Toker arrived at the cave in the mountains where they were to jam, he saw the man who had started him on his musical journey! The Toker thought “This is where I belong!”

It was at this point that The Toker came to know the identity of the man. He was Vlad The Enforcer, the First General to Vlad The Impalers armys, and one of the Triad of leaders to the fallen Vlad The Inhaler.

This new band sounded good, but it was realized that it needed something more. The Tokers brother tried to play bass guitar, but when The Toker saw how much easier then guitar it was, he said he would do it. The Enforcer soon recognized the talent of The Toker, and it was not long before The Enforcer actually granted The Toker his name. Along with changing the name of the band to Vlads Mystical Minstrels, and naming The Watcher as well.(See Vlads Mystical Minstrels page if you haven’t already.)

A couple of months down the road, The Tokers brother was taken asunder by a powerful demon of the underworld who has come to be known as Vlad The Manipulator. The Watcher and The Enforcer were very angry about this, and The Enforcer dealt another name. Vlad The Wannabe was the new name of The Tokers brother. The Toker felt caught in the middle at this point, and soon decided to leave the band, and in the meantime hone his powers on the bass.

During his leave of absence from The Minstrels, The Toker went about trying to find other people to try to help him strengthen his powers, But nothing worked. So The Toker stopped playing altogether.

He went into his cave to think about what to do. And the only way for The Toker to dig in the depths of his mind, was to take the magic herb he gets from his friends, the fairies. This Fairy herb was very helpful to The Toker.

After a long stay in his cave, and many MANY, visits from the fairies, there was a knock at the entrance of his cave. When The Toker opened the door he was met by The Enforcer and The Watcher.

They explained to The Toker, that they had found the other leaders to Vlad The Inhalers armys and great power was being realized, as The Impaler and The Inhaler were uniting. They told The Toker that they wanted him to consider returning to Vlads ranks. The Toker agreed to think about it, and went back to his cave and fairies.

The Toker decided to give it a shot, and when he arrived to the cave in the mountain to practice with the band, he realized the power of Vlad was with him. The faerie herb had helped his power of bass, and with the Rejoining of The Original Circle of Vlad’s leaders, the rest will soon be legendary!

Favorite Quotes

“I’ve got balls the size of grapefruits”- Vinnie Mac

“You are a disgusting fat body Private Pyle”- Full Metal Jacket

“There are no stupid questions, only stupid people”-Unknown